2024 Events
Thursday, MAY 9
Estate Settlement 101 Workshop
A continuation of the Family Love Letter Series
One way to truly comprehend estate planning is to understand the estate settlement process or what happens to an estate after the owner dies.
It can be long and often confusing, especially for those going through it for the first time.
What is estate settlement?
How long does the process take?
Who is in charge?
We answer these questions and more at our upcoming workshop. You won’t want to miss!
AFTERNOON Workshop AT 2.00 PM
Clara’s on the River, Battle Creek
Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served
EVENING Workshop AT 5.30 PM
Latitude 42, Kalamazoo
Dinner will be served
We encourage you to invite your beneficiaries, administrators of your estate,
trustees, or friends who will find this information useful.
Seating is limited, RSVP today!
Please RSVP to the Allegiant Wealth Strategies Team
Call us. (269) 218-2100
Email us. info@allegiantws.com
2023 Events
Thank you to all who joined us for our annual women's event.
It was the perfect night at Southern Exposure to make herb-infused vinegar and oil.
We love the camaraderie and fun-loving of this event. We thank you all for coming and hope to see you next year.
MAY 23:
Section III - Advisors and Financial Information
Section IV - Liabilities
Each of us will leave a legacy.
The question is, will it be a legacy of confusion or just information, or will you leave a Legacy for the Living of our stories, hopes, and desires?
Getting our houses in order.
Section I - Advisors and Financial Information
Section II - Liabilities
On behalf of the Allegiant Wealth Strategies Team, we thank you for joining us for our Family Love Letter Workshops.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the information, as we know it was a lot.
2022 Events
Register Now for the Family Love Letter Event
Will your loved ones know your wishes if you unexpectedly become incapacitated or pass away? To assist in your preparations, we are bringing Donna Pagano, co-creator of the Family Love Letter, to speak with you and those you care about on October 5 and 6 in Battle Creek and Kalamazoo.
Seating is limited so reserve your spot today at your chosen venue. We look forward to seeing you!
What is the Family Love Letter?
Without clarity of desire and specificity of information, families struggle about “what to do,” experience conflict, overlook assets or make costly, and often, irrevocable mistakes. The Family Love Letter organizes the ‘paper trail’ you create over your lifetime. It attaches your ‘voice,’ giving your loved ones the insight and direction you want to provide them at these challenging times. For more information, please click here.
Oh what fun we had in 2022!

2019 Events